Evaluation 1

The first session was able to give light to some really interesting issues with the site. here The first observation during the first session was that the site had a weird navigation.here It was also noted that the site seemed to have a lot of information on it which resulted in it looking cluttered. As the user worked through the task he found that the claim button was not easily identifiable and resorted to using the search function on the site instead of the claim tab. here The user found that there was no easy way to do important functions on the home page like submit a claim. here The user was frequently confused with some of the technical jargon of the site and what tabs meant like the “Applications” not being for jobs but rather for an application to third party sites. Since the site had difficult to find tab the user had to use the search bar a lot to find certain information. It was also mentioned that the "Membership" tab is misleading about what is on it, so is the learning center tab. The user did say that the site had a nice arrangement of the navigation tabs.

Evaluation 2

The second session was able to shine light on a lot of different feedback compared to the first session. During this session more tasks were added and then kept for the future sessions once more information was needed for the study. During this session the user was originally put off by the contrast between the two colors of the site. The navigation is a bright purple which quickly became distracting to the user. here Another thing that the user found to be distracting was the moving aspect on the bottom of the page. They found it incredibly difficult to focus on the contents of the site when the moving aspects were on the screen. here It was also mentioned that the navigation tabs were incredibly hard to use since they were not very descriptive of what was underneath and the contents of their page. There was also a lot of technical jargon that was not understood by the user. The main ones being IVANS and The Grove, and there was nothing on the site to help explain what these are or how to use them. here A complaint about the site was that there was no button to move back once a user pressed a link to another page. Once the user clicked on the Grove they could no go back to the original site without typing the URL. here

Evaluation 3

The third session of the Heuristic evaluation was probably the most helpful in finding issues in the site. The user really delved into the site to find issues with it or things that may not be working the best for potential users. This user found some different issues with the site as the others but also some similar issues as well. One of the main things they pointed out about the site was the busy-ness and that the site had too many options. here They also quickly pointed out in the second task that there was no natural progression of the site. There was not a clear path from the home screen to other pages. here The user was incredibly put off by the use of the technical jargona and continued to point out that they were not aware with what the terms meant. here Another thing that was pointed out in this video was the fact that they had to really read each individual page in order to figure out what was being said. Instead of being able to scan she had to consciously read the pages for their information. here The user also pointed out that the most relevant information was not at the top of many different pages. This was incredibly confusing when the information she was searching for was at the bottom of the page and what seemed like useless info was near the top. here